Feature your shop on PriceMe

Every day, tens of thousands of shoppers compare products and prices using PriceMe. Feature your products on our comparison-shopping site and reach buyers at their critical product selection and purchasing decision-making time.

List Your Products Today
Receive more targeted traffic

One of the biggest challenges in e-Commerce is driving quality traffic to your site. Consumers clicking through to PriceMe's partner retailer's stores are well-informed and are often ready to buy.

Higher conversions and ROI

PriceMe referrals often have higher conversion rates than other online marketing channels. This is due to the time a PriceMe visitor spends searching for product information (around 9 mins on average) before clicking through to a retailer's online store.

Brand building

Partner retailers enjoy increased exposure by displaying their company logo for each product listing. Partner retailers also have the opportunity to display a sales caption or promotional message next to their logo. Associating your brand and products with a trusted shopping site like PriceMe is a great way to build consumer recognition and confidence for your brand.

Better reporting

Using PriceMe's Retailer Portal, retailers can gain insight into the competitive landscape and understand the performance of their campaign on a summary, category, or even product level. Analysing campaign elements such as clicks, traffic share, positioning and cost helps partner retailers measure and optimize their sales using PriceMe.

shoppers reached per month
value of referred products
9 min
average user session
page views per month

We connect shoppers with retailers


Find the right product

Search from more than 1 million offers


Find the right retailer

Compare products and prices from local and international online retailers.


Buy with confidence

Click through to retailer's website and buy


Content & Advertisement

Reach consumers as they are in the purchase funnel


Commercial Model

PPC (Pay Per Click)
No set-up and maintenance cost
No contract
Competitive pricing
Highly Engaged Display Advertising

Media Products and Services

Formats and Prices

PriceMe offers a wide variety of advertising options designed to fit all budgets, ensuring every brand or retailer can achieve optimal visibility. From cost-effective display ads to premium placement features and high impact media placements, there's a solution to meet your marketing needs.  GET IN TOUCH NOW


Desktop Impact

Reach every PriceMe visitor to generate huge awareness and sales with active shoppers!


Mobile Impact

The perfect advertising option for bursts of activity to reach shoppers on the move! 


Email Newsletter

We offer numerous ways to engage in direct conversations with over 250,000 shoppers!


Sponsored Content

Our content team will create a bespoke article to drive engagement and sales!


Category Sponsorship

Position your brand or store as the expert in your category - increase mindshare & trust.


Seasonal Promotions

From Father's Day to Mother's Day, Easter and Christmas - We offer seasonal campaigns!


Standalone Email

Your message directly delivered to over quarter of a million regular online shoppers ! 


Black Friday &
Cyber Monday

HUGE numbers of shoppers use PriceMe every Black Friday!

Click the relevant heading below for more details of our media assets and rate card.  Please contact us with any enquiries.   GET IN TOUCH HERE

Desktop Impact
Mobile Impact
Email Newsletter
Sponsored Content
Category Sponsorship
Seasonal Promotions
Standalone Email
Black Friday & Cyber Monday
Advertise with PriceMe today


What is PriceMe?
How much traffic does PriceMe generate for me?
How do I submit my products?
Where can I find more information?